Pressure to leave

Inside a FEMA trailer park in High Island, Texas, Yvonne VanZandt said she and her husband are being badgered by caseworkers even though they have signed a contract with a builder and could have their home rebuilt by the trailer program's March 12 deadline. She said caseworkers told her they would photograph her property to see if work was being done. (quote from story by Houston Chronicle reporter Harvey Rice).

FEMAtrailersYvonne VanZandt, posing next to her trailer, Nov. 13, 2009 in High Island, TX. FEMA is forcing out of her trailer before the trailer program ends March 12. FEMA is forcing her family out even though a house to replace the one washed away by Hurricane Ike is likely to be completed before the trailer program ends. She is one of many residents who complain about FEMA pressure to move out before the program ends. FEMA is ending its temporary housting program for hurricane Ike victims even though it extended the program in Louisiana for four years. FEMA is selling trailers to Ike victims for prices ranging from $3,400 to $16,000, but in Louisiana they were sold for under $100.
